This is an article “Boosting Your Marketing Efforts With Content Generation” by Marc Primo Warren
Content has never been more important these days for every online publisher in any business. For every 11 blogs published in a month, business-to-business (B2B) marketers can see up to three times higher online traffic in their landing pages than those who post lower content numbers. Some companies even publish more than 400 posts per month. The result is double lead generation numbers versus those who post 301 to 400 posts.
Not everything in content generation is easier despite the many available tools to support online marketing campaigns. Aside from factoring in publishing frequencies, developing high-quality content that will appeal to the target audience is another thing. Even if you have the best search engine optimization (SEO) tools or Google Analytics to help you figure out your audience's behavior, preferences, and search intent, it takes far more valuable content to convert.
Online audiences can be fickle-minded at times when it comes to their online behavior. At times, they could spend minutes browsing your website, only to spend a few seconds the next time and never look back. Getting your visitors to interact with you via your website and reducing bounce rates depends on your content's efficiency. As much as 86% of B2B marketers are looking for engaging interactive content that they can easily access and only a tiny number prefer static formats.
To guide you on the latest content generation trends that work, here are some insights you'll have to consider:
Re-evaluate your content strategy
Nothing builds audience trust and loyalty better than how effective your content marketing is on your website and social media channels. Being able to address their concerns each time they visit you creates a positive user experience that will make you more reliable as a brand.
To engage your target audience towards better relationships that can lead to sales or referrals, invest in high-quality content that answers their most pressing questions and addresses their prime pain points. Globally, companies spent over $340 billion in marketing efforts last year, with an average budget of $185,000 concentrated on content generation per year.
On the other hand, US companies that resort to low-quality content registered an estimated loss of $400 billion per year. Re-evaluating your content strategy to cover all phases of the customer journey is crucial if you aim to build trust, loyalty, and lead generation. From creating buyer personas, identifying the suitable targets, to reviewing your unique value propositions (UVPs), minding how you generate your content for your marketing strategy helps improve audience awareness, consideration, and conversion.
Drive growth from your content strategy
As soon as you acknowledge that content generation is a whole different beast from basic and traditional marketing, the sooner you can make your efforts pay off. Generating content is not limited to increasing online traffic and leads alone. Putting more energy and excitement into your design and branding elements, while making your blog articles more holistic and influential to your target audience, can genuinely help you meet your business goals like brand building, retention, and authority.
Overcome content marketing hurdles
Seasoned content publishers do their best to scale their content. When every piece of content you generate aligns with your business growth objectives, the more efficient they'll perform on the page.
However, there will always be challenges when scaling content, including meeting frequency demands, sub-par topics and angles, misreading performance indicators, and lack of personalized content for the audience.
When generating content, strictly follow an editorial calendar that won't push deadlines and miss moment marketing goals. Publish Halloween-related blogs and ads on October 31 and release that Christmas rush offer four weeks before December 25. Also, be consistent in your content generation as those your followers will expect to see new updates regularly.
To improve the quality of your content, make a checklist of keywords that addresses the usual search intent concerning your brand and product. As much as possible, complement your on-page content with interactive features on your website. Being equally consistent in capturing attention and providing helpful content makes your brand a household name much faster.
Of course, you'll also be able to discover which content resonates with your audience with your SEO tools and Google Analytics, which you can then use to make your future content more personalized to your followers.
Create a content generation formula
Now that we've noted how content generation is an entirely different factor in marketing, it's essential to create a step-by-step process in how you develop and finalize each release.
Brainstorm with your creative team and make an account of all your available tools. Pick which formats are most effective with your audience and create ad sets that you've initially reviewed and tagged as online performers, then base your future content on those.
Each piece of content is an opportunity to accomplish something significant in business. Whether to raise awareness or showcase user experience, there should always be a marketing component when you produce it. Make your business goals, brand identity, values, mission, and vision reflect in each content piece you generate by coming up with a brand statement.
Content that effectively conveys who you are, what you can offer, and to whom should always be derived from these types of creative guides and moodboard. Once you've discovered the right formula to accomplish that, the faster you can generate more appealing content for better lead generation and conversion.
Lastly, discuss your content generation formula, creative guides, and moodboards with your writers and make sure they understand them perfectly. Investing in subject matter experts who have a broad knowledge of your market niche will benefit your content marketing efforts. From the writers to your graphics designers, those who produce your content must know your audience, business goals, and why what they are creating is valuable. Hiring fly-by-night creatives that don't have your brand at heart, or are clueless about what you're trying to accomplish, will only make your efforts futile.
With this, always remember that a combination of people smarts and good online tech for content generation is your key to more effective marketing.