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Marc Primo Warren


This is an article “5 Effective Ways to Transform Yourself Into an Effective Brand” by Marc Primo Warren

A lot of myths are out there about coming up with an effective brand, with some even thinking how branding strategies can tend to be deceitful towards consumers and merely represent the true form of the company on the surface level alone. What most entrepreneurs don’t know is that effective brands do not really just create them--rather, they become them.

Consumers are an intimate breed who want to know personal details about the brands they follow. Even for seasoned marketers, the challenge lies in how they can present a company via a brand strategy that will tell their target markets compelling stories that can rouse their interest and influence their decisions for the long haul.

Try out these 5 tips to make a more effective brand online.

Develop a theme

One of the common mistakes most digital marketers make is exaggerating their brand themes to the point that potential followers cannot relate or connect to the brand anymore. Of course, it’s always best to get your unique selling points out there but be consistent in anchoring your theme on what your brand is really all about. Amplify the things that it stands for and how it plans to help people. One good practice is to ask yourself how your followers can describe your brand. If you get the answers you are looking for then work with that!

Show Passion

Part of transforming your brand into something that people can relate to is by showing passion in improving everything about your product or service and how you’d genuinely want to make a difference. For this one, you’d have to set aside what others think you should do to transform your brand into something they want because what always works is how you set your path towards your own goals and carve out a unique name and personality for yourself.

Showcase your USPs

As earlier mentioned, amplifying your unique selling points comes with the territory. However, convey them in a way that will give your followers the impression that you are working hard to help them with their own lifestyles. This is also one way you can convert those that doubt your brand into loyal followers. By showing how great your drive is and being genuine to your followers, they will think that you are not all about making money or being popular online. Instead, they’ll come to see your brand for what you really are and allow themselves to be interested and influenced as they come to know you better.

Create your character

Notice how you can recognize cartoon characters even if all you can see is their shadows or outlines? That also applies to how you can create your brand’s own character. By coming up with a style guide that your followers can easily identify with or hiring influencers who can best represent your brand, making your character prominent online can definitely be easier. Just be careful who you pick as influencers and make sure they know what your brand stands for as they will serve as your ambassadors to your followers as well.

Target your audience

Most marketers already know how important it is to choose the right social media platform or channel to promote their brands. What you need to do first however is to identify your audience personas and review where most of them converge online. You can do this by engaging your followers on social media and addressing their concerns so you can gain insight into their lifestyles and preferences.

Once you have come up with your buyer personas, see which social media platforms your marketing strategy or influencers will fit in and which ones can give you better leverage to showcase your products and services via organic or paid ads. This way, you can further improve your campaigns and work down your marketing funnel from generating leads to conversion and retention.

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