This is an article “Tips on How to Improve Your Online Presence” by Marc Primo Warren
Everyone knows that the online marketplace is now overcrowded, yet more E-commerce businesses seem to sprout like mushrooms every day. Why? Because it’s the type of ‘survival of the fittest’ industry where good ideas don't mind being in a sea of competition.
However, online advertising can’t rely on blinding neon lights and arrows that point consumers to brands that easily. You’ll have to work harder to push your presence at the forefront and earn significant online traffic to get you on top of the SERP leaderboard.
Coming up with effective strategies may not be that easy, but if you have the proper tools and basic strategies to mount your own website or social media commercial pages, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t embark on an essential digital adventure. Regardless if you are just a small startup, an established company, or an individual offering services and products, your online presence is crucial to how you can establish loyalty, generate leads, and increase sales.
To help you boost your online presence in no time, here are a few useful tips you may want to check out.
Be consistent with your key visuals
Key visuals are the designs and color schemes you use to promote your brand. It helps to keep all your collaterals aligned with your key visuals to maintain online recall and familiarity with your target audiences throughout your marketing funnel. Make it simple yet eye-catching, using serif typeface fonts like Bodoni, Helvetica, or Arial for your ads and content. However, these are very common fonts so you might want to shake things up a bit by experimenting with other font types. Just be sure to keep things simple.
Choosing color combinations that go together and help encourage your consumers’ moods like yellow and blue to suggest playfulness or authority, black and orange for power, or navy and teal for a more calming effect will also help you gain more visitors online.
Give your page a face
For individuals who want to push their presence online, being consistent with the use of their profile pictures helps people identify them much quicker. Make it big so it highlights your face and place it conspicuously within the page. Having a pleasant profile picture on your page is actually even better than a brand logo as it gives your audiences a human element that strikes a stronger chord.
For businesses, hiring influencers and brand ambassadors as the face of their products or services helps people get a sense of what sort of values they practice. Hire someone who is trustworthy and can generate a buzz on social media. Marketers usually hire influencers who have already established a significant online following, but it won’t hurt picking someone who knows what he or she is talking about for a lower cost, then building his or her online cred along with what you want to sell.
Focus on content
The number of people choosing to shop online continues to rise annually with almost half of the consumer population already using the power of digital technology to purchase goods. You can increase your web traffic which can later be converted to sales by giving great focus on your sites’ design and content while making it both desktop and mobile-friendly for easier navigation.
Give them search bars and checkout shopping carts for more convenience, and keep your messages in ‘blogvertorials’ or landing pages concise and straight to the point. Most consumers value their time and it will only take them a mere 15 seconds to decide if your site is the one for them or if they should move on to the next option so make everything you put out there matter.
These days, your online presence can do more for you than traditional marketing. Giving it the ample budget and supervision it needs can help you reach an exponential number among your target audiences. Try these tips out now and measure growth to determine what works or what needs to be improved.